Eurovision Song Contest ESC 2023

Sacha Jean-Baptiste to stage performances from Albania and Switzerland at Eurovision 2023

Sacha Jean-Baptiste to stage performances from Albania and Switzerland at Eurovision 2023 Image credits:
Lft.: Albina & Familja Kelmendi – © RTSH
Rgt.: Remo Forrer – © SRF/Lukas Maeder

Sacha Jean-Baptiste is already a regular presence at the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) and, in 2023, she will be directing at least two performances: Albania and Switzerland.

According to the website, the Albanian representatives, Albina & Familja Kelmendi, confirmed that the Swedish artist will be their stage director ESC 2023. The country participates with the song Duje.

The website writes that Remo Forrer – who defends Switzerland with the song Watergun – announced that Sacha Jean-Baptiste will be responsible for staging his performance in Liverpool next May.

About Author

Bernardo Matias

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