Afinal, o anúncio dos finalistas do Festival Eurovisão da Canção (ESC) 2023 durante as semifinais não vai sofrer qualquer alteração.
O novo formato ao «estilo X Factor» foi testado esta segunda-feira no ensaio geral. Os artistas alinharam-se no palco, lado a lado, durante a sequência de revelação em vez de permanecerem na green room. No entanto, a produção acabou por decidir não o implementar, mantendo os moldes dos últimos anos. Num comunicado da BBC e da União Europeia de Radiodifusão (EBU) pode ler-se:
The announcement of the finalists of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) 2023 during the semi-finals will not change in any way.
The new «X Factor style» format was tested this Monday during the dress rehearsal. The artists lined up on stage, side by side, during the reveal sequence instead of remaining in the green room. However, the production ended up deciding not to implement it, maintaining the format of recent years. A statement from the BBC and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) reads:
– After trying a new system of presenting the qualifying countries in Dress Rehearsal 1 of the First Semi-Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 it was decided by the production team to revert back to the previous reveal sequence used in recent years with artists learning whether they will progress to the Grand Final together with their delegations in the Green Room. Whilst this change will not now be implemented this year there are other innovations in the show for viewers to look forward to”.
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